We brew science.

Science|Beer is the gathering of scientists and science lovers, from various backgrounds and major, in a cozy and friendly environment.
Each Science|Beer hosts at least one Science|Brewer.
Science|Brewers present their research topic in 10 minutes and at the end they describe one of the challenges which they currently face.
The described challenge stablishes a good starting point for the diverse group of audience to start communicating with each other and the Science|Brewer.
There are some other guidelines which we follow:
  • SicenceBeer is a monthly event.
  • It happens in a non-academic environment e.g., in a café.
  • Everyone can be a Science|Brewer.
  • The Science|Brewer uses only the old school methods e.g., chalk and blackboard.
  • Every Science|Brewer automatically joins the Science|Brewery club.
  • The presentation should be understandable for scientists from all disciplines.
  • And last but not least, the entrance is free for everyone.
Do not forget that beer is only a symbol, an analogy, and a tribute to the German culture. Otherwise we drink all sort of drinks during each Science|Beer.
Do you want to participate in the next Science|Beer?

...simply stop by!

Do you want to nominate yourself as one of our next Science|Brewers?
Do you want to organize a Science|Beer in your home town?

If you woul like to present your science in Science|Beer, please send us an email with your full name, degree (B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD, Prof.), field of study, and institute name.
To participate in one of the Science|Beer events, simply check the dates on the webpage and spountanosly stop by.
However, for organizational purpose we would appreciate it, if you would kindly mark yourself as "going" on the respective acebook event page.

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40th ScienceBeer with

2020 May 4, 07:00 pm,

@ Max-Großstadtcafe
  • Picture

    38th ScienceBeer

    38th ScienceBeer
    Virtual Safety Assessment of Autonomous Driving

    Today, in the 38th ScienceBeer, Mustafa was our Science Brewer. Mustafa is a Doctoral Candidate in TU Dresden and works on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Todaz Mustafa[...]

    2020 February 03

    37th ScienceBeer

    37th ScienceBeer
    Simulation of River Flow Using High Performance Computing

    Today, in the 37th ScienceBeer, Ramandeep was our Science Brewer. Ramandeep is a Doctoral Candidate in TU Dresden and works on Fluid Mechanics. The water[...]

    2019 December 02

    36th ScienceBeer

    36th ScienceBeer
    Impact of Condensation Trails on Global Warming

    Today, in the 36th ScienceBeer, Judith was our Science Brewer. Judith is a PostDoc in TU Dresden and works on Air Transport Technology and Logistics. Today Judith[...]

    2019 November 04

    35th ScienceBeer

    35th ScienceBeer
    Trade Measures for Climate Protection and the Law of the World Trade Organization

    Today, in the 35th ScienceBeer, Ulrike was our Science Brewer. Ulrike is a PostDoc in HTWK Leipzig and works on economics and industrial engineering. Today Ulrike[...]

    2019 October 07

    34th ScienceBeer

    34th ScienceBeer
    Logic Made From Two-Lane Switches

    Today, in the 34th ScienceBeer, Maik was our Science Brewer. Maik is a PhD Candidate in NamLab and works on Nanoelectronic Materials. The Moors\'[...]

    2019 September 02

    33rd ScienceBeer

    33rd ScienceBeer
    5G - Antenna development for next generation

    Today, in the 33rd ScienceBeer, Mojtaba was our Science Brewer. Mojtaba is a PhD Candidate in Technical University of Dresden and works on Chair of Radio Frequency and Photonics Engineering. Nowadays the[...]

    2019 July 01

    32nd ScienceBeer

    32nd ScienceBeer
    Biofuelcells: towards harvesting electricity from biological tissues

    Today, in the 32nd ScienceBeer, Farzin was our Science Brewer. Farzin is a PhD Candidate in Leibniz Institute and works on Institute for Integrative Nanosciences. Have you[...]

    2019 June 03

    31st ScienceBeer

    31st ScienceBeer
    Micro and nano sensors

    Today, in the 31st ScienceBeer, Julia was our Science Brewer. Julia is a Professor in Leibniz Institute and works on Institute for Solid State Research. We all[...]

    2019 May 06

    30th ScienceBeer

    30th ScienceBeer
    Cancer and Patient-Specific Treatments

    Today, in the 30th ScienceBeer, Aylin was our Science Brewer. Aylin is a PostDoc in Technical University of Dresden and works on Chair of Medical Systems Biology. Cancer is[...]

    2019 April 01

    29th ScienceBeer

    29th ScienceBeer
    Looking for the Golden Needle in the Haystack: Interactive Data Visualization for Product Search

    Today, in the 29th ScienceBeer, Mandy was our Science Brewer. Mandy is a PostDoc in Technical University of Dresden and works on Chair of Media Design. Many of[...]

    2019 March 04

    28th ScienceBeer

    28th ScienceBeer
    How Chaotic Cell Behavior Gives Rise to an Organized Tissue: A Lesson From the Vertebrate Retina

    Today, in the 28th ScienceBeer, Rana was our Science Brewer. Rana is a PostDoc in Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and works on Cell Biology. Today we[...]

    2019 February 04

    27th ScienceBeer

    27th ScienceBeer
    Flying Oil Loving Fiberboards

    Today, in the 27th ScienceBeer, Holger and Nina were our Science Brewers. Holger is a PhD Student in Technical University of Dresden and works on Holztechnik und Faserwerkstofftechnik. Nina is a Student in Technical University of Dresden and works on Holztechnik und Faserwerkstofftechnik. Today Holger[...]

    2019 January 14

    26th ScienceBeer

    26th ScienceBeer
    Perfume Testers Vs. Neuronal Degenerations

    Today, in the 26th ScienceBeer, Sara was our Science Brewer. Sara is a Postdoc in Calegari (Proliferation and Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells) and works on Neural Stem Cells. - [...]

    2018 December 03

    25th ScienceBeer

    25th ScienceBeer
    Can Improved Plastics Recycling in Europe Avoid Marine Littering in Asia?

    Today, in the 25th ScienceBeer, Roman was our Science Brewer. Roman is a PhD student in Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy and works on Waste Management. - [...]

    2018 November 05

    24th ScienceBeer

    24th ScienceBeer
    Planaria, the flatworm

    Today, in the 24th ScienceBeer, Tobias was our Science Brewer. Tobias is a Postdoc in Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and works on Cell Biology. Have you[...]

    2018 October 08

    23rd ScienceBeer

    23rd ScienceBeer
    Exploring influences on journalists for the selection of War and Peace Journalism: Case of India and Pakistan Relations

    Today, in the 23rd ScienceBeer, Sehrish was our Science Brewer. Sehrish is a PhD in TU-Dresden and works on Institute of Media and Communication. Have you[...]

    2018 September 10

    22nd ScienceBeer

    22nd ScienceBeer
    Unwinding the Spiral - Or how to deal with Topology in Helimagnets

    Today, in the 22nd ScienceBeer, Benjamin was our Science Brewer. Benjamin is a PhD in TU-Dresden and works on Theoretische Physik. Helimagnetism is[...]

    2018 August 06

    21st ScienceBeer

    21st ScienceBeer
    Second Hand Knowledge - Should interrogations be recorded by video in criminal investigation proceedings?

    Today, in the 21st ScienceBeer, Friederike was our Science Brewer. Friederike is a PhD in TU-Dresden and works on Psychology. Friederike made[...]

    2018 July 02

    20th ScienceBeer

    20th ScienceBeer
    The Unexpected and Strange Behaviour of Crystals

    Today, in the 20th ScienceBeer, Jack was our Science Brewer. Jack is a Postdoc in TU-Dresden and works on Computational Chemistry. Tba. [...]

    2018 June 04

    19th ScienceBeer

    19th ScienceBeer
    Diamonds in Space

    Today, in the 19th ScienceBeer, Nicholas was our Science Brewer. Nicholas is a Postdoc in TU-Dresden and works on High Energy Density. Nicholas explained[...]

    2018 May 07

    18th ScienceBeer

    18th ScienceBeer
    Randomness and Noise in Biochemistry

    Today, in the 18th ScienceBeer, Vojtech was our Science Brewer. Vojtech is a Postdoc in TU-Dresden and works on Dynamic protocellular systems. Vojtech explained[...]

    2018 April 09

    17th ScienceBeer

    17th ScienceBeer
    Understanding Substance Absorption

    Today, in the 17th ScienceBeer, Oluwafemi was our Science Brewer. Oluwafemi is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Understanding Substance Absorption. Oluwafemi brought[...]

    2018 March 05

    16th ScienceBeer

    16th ScienceBeer
    The origami genome - observing how DNA folds

    Today, in the 16th ScienceBeer, Stefan was our Science Brewer. Stefan is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on SELF-ORGANIZATION OF BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURES. Stefan introduced[...]

    2018 February 05

    15th ScienceBeer

    15th ScienceBeer
    What economics and physics have in common

    Today, in the 15th ScienceBeer, Artem was our Science Brewer. Artem is a Professor in TU-Dresden and works on Wirtschaftliche Aspekte der ökologischen Raumentwicklung. Artem first[...]

    2018 January 08

    14th ScienceBeer

    14th ScienceBeer
    Numerical Simulation of Wood

    Today, in the 14th ScienceBeer, Clemens was our Science Brewer. Clemens is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Structural Analysis. Clemens described[...]

    2017 December 04

    13th ScienceBeer

    13th ScienceBeer
    2 Dimensional Materials or How to Get Things Flat

    Today, in the 13th ScienceBeer, Daniel was our Science Brewer. Daniel is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Functional Molecular Materials. Daniel told[...]

    2017 November 06

    12th ScienceBeer

    12th ScienceBeer
    Improving OFET device performance through enhancement of deposition flow

    Today, in the 12th ScienceBeer, Cecilia was our Science Brewer. Cecilia is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Organic Devices. Cecilia started[...]

    2017 October 09

    11th ScienceBeer

    11th ScienceBeer
    Some trivia about the mysterious dihydrogen monoxide

    Today, in the 11th ScienceBeer, Sabine was our Science Brewer. Sabine is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Professur foer Biomaterialien. Sabine is[...]

    2017 September 04

    10th ScienceBeer

    10th ScienceBeer
    What do kitchens, floor tiles and modern computers have in common?

    Today, in the 10th ScienceBeer, Andres was our Science Brewer. Andres is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Compiler Construction. In the[...]

    2017 August 14

    9th ScienceBeer

    9th ScienceBeer
    Full duplex wireless communication

    Today, in the 9th ScienceBeer, Mohammed was our Science Brewer. Mohammed is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Mobile Communications Systems. In the[...]

    2017 July 03

    8th ScienceBeer

    8th ScienceBeer
    Environment behaviour study and aging-friendly design

    Today, in the 8th ScienceBeer, Congsi was our Science Brewer. Congsi is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Social and health care facilities. In the[...]

    2017 June 12

    7th ScienceBeer

    7th ScienceBeer
    Using Real World Social Network to Optimize Teams Performance

    Today, in the 7th ScienceBeer, Goran was our Science Brewer. Goran is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Postal and Telecommunications Traffic. In the[...]

    2017 May 08

    6th ScienceBeer

    6th ScienceBeer
    How does Power Quality affect you?

    Today, in the 6th ScienceBeer, Ana Maria and Olga were our Science Brewers. Ana Maria is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on power quality in the power grids. Olga is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on power quality in the power grids. They told[...]

    2017 April 10

    5th ScienceBeer

    5th ScienceBeer
    Sturdy structures at nanoscale

    Today, in the 5th ScienceBeer, Michael was our Science Brewer. Michael is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on DNA nanotechnology. Today he[...]

    2017 March 13

    4th ScienceBeer

    4th ScienceBeer
    Frustrated magnetism and Superconductivity

    Today, in the 4th ScienceBeer, Chris was our Science Brewer. Chris is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Solid state physics. Today he[...]

    2017 February 06

    3rd ScienceBeer

    3rd ScienceBeer
    Unplanned urbanisation and climate change in Himalayan towns

    Today, in the 3rd ScienceBeer, Neelakshi was our Science Brewer. Neelakshi is a PhD student in Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung and works on Urban planing. Today she[...]

    2016 December 05

    2nd ScienceBeer

    2nd ScienceBeer
    Modeling the dissementation of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the subsurface

    Today, in the 2nd ScienceBeer, Aparna was our Science Brewer. Aparna is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Groundwater management. Today she[...]

    2016 November 07

    1st ScienceBeer

    1st ScienceBeer
    Numerical analysis of tires

    Today, in the 1st ScienceBeer, Mario was our Science Brewer. Mario is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on Statics and Dynamics of Structures. Today he[...]

    2016 October 10

    Beer Hours


    "BeerHour" was the old form of "Science|Beer".
    Here you can find the list of organised BeerHours:
    9th BeerHour: 8th September 2016
    8th BeerHour: 11th August 2016
    7th BeerHour: 17th July 2016
    6th BeerHour: 9th June 2016
    5th BeerHour: 12th May 2016
    4th BeerHour: 14th April 2016
    3th BeerHour: 14th January 2016
    2th BeerHour: 4th December 2015
    1th BeerHour: 6th November 2015

    Friday 19th of June 2020 02:02:45 PM